Sunday, May 12, 2013

A Mother Worth Celebrating~

Mother's Day...What do we think about when we hear these two words? For some, they think about a day when they will get up early, make their mother breakfast in bed, go to church, and basically spoil their moms all day. Mother's Day originated in 1907 when Anna Jarvis held a memorial for her mother and then began her efforts to create a National holiday for celebrating mothers. Some people do not have mothers that they think are worth celebrating. Some have been hurt more by their mothers than helped and loved by them. Some can't even remember their mothers. Some don't want to remember their mothers. But to those of us that have good, godly, caring, loving mothers...Do we appreciate them? Do we let them know that we appreciate them? In a world full of children who don't have mothers who love them, we should be doubly thankful for wonderful mothers. We don't realize just how much our mothers do for us! If we could just look around for one day and see how much our mothers do for us, we would more than likely be shocked!! Our mothers do everything for us! We should do our best to help them and let them know how much we love and appreciate them and all that they do for us. So on this Mother's Day, I want to thank the Lord for blessing me with one of the best things he could ever give me...A godly mother.

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