Friday, August 8, 2014

Greetings from Cornville!

CORN! Lots and lots of corn! But everybody knows the best way to make work easier is to do it with your friends, so here's our family and the Archie family putting up about 400 ears of corn together. :)

Yes, that's a cooler full of corn. Fun, huh? :)

the lovely, sticky job of cooking it...

We used knives, potato peelers, electric knives, & anything else we could think of to cut off the corn. Just by way of friendly announcement, DON'T EVER LET CORN JUICE DRIP INTO YOUR ELECTRIC KNIFE WHILE YOU ARE CUTTING CORN!!!!! I may or may not have shocked myself doing this very thing. Live and learn, people...Live and learn

The Silking of the Corn is not a fun job. It has never been a fun job & it never will be a fun job. That's why using a pressure washer is an awesome way to speed things up! :) I just love rednecking...

1 comment:

  1. Love it!!!!
    Looks like y'all been having just tubs and pots and pans full of fun, right? ; )
    rednecking will never go out of style by the way, because I love it and will keep it going! ; )
