So here are a few "funny sayings" that we Laird "children" said as, well, children... :) Most of these are from when we were all very young (4,5,6 years). However, a few of them are recent... Very recent... I humbly blame it all on my blondness... Poor Rachel and Abigail have no excuses for their dumb sayings! ;)
After learning Psalm 23, Rachel quoted "He makes me to slide down green pastures..."
"I wish I was big enough to retire from school!!"
Rachel- (talking to Sarah) "Mere is a word..."
Sarah- "I know... Like 'comere'!" (come here)
Mama was explaining how they were going to be fasting all day with the church... I asked "Like a hurry?"
Mini Wheats - "Hay Bales"
Asked Mama - "Mama, does everybody have a little stupid in them?"
And a couple of recent ones....
"Mama, how much sugar do you put in unsweet tea?" Yes, folks, I REALLY said this... (Although I did catch myself about halfway through!) :)
A friend told me a story of a man that drowned in 2 feet of water...My honest first reaction was "How tall was the man??" YES!! I know!
(To Sarah) "You are driving me peanuts!"
When asked who she wanted to marry..."A MAN of course!!!"
Abi found an tiny baby acorn outside and wanted to do an "experience" (experiment) with it! The joys of homeschooling! :)
Rachel and Sarah commented that Abigail didn't know the value of money... Abi retorted with, "Yes I do! You take it to Wal*Mart and you spend it!!"
Goggles- "globbles"
Chickens- "Bockins"
"Will you do me a favorite? (favor)
Told Abi (when she was sad about something), "Baby Darlin'... It's gone be okay..."
Mama told BJ that he was "sweet" for helping her... He said, "No mama... Dat's PANSY!"
Wanted to watch "Bob the Builder in Sandwich" (Spanish)
When he was hungry... "My tummy is giggling!"
Daddy said something about "his daughters"... BJ said "You mean...MY girls?!"
Asked Mama "How you got so old"...
When BJ woke up one morning, I kissed his cheeks and told him that he smelled good... He grinned, leaned over, and said "You wanna smell my breath?"